Friday, 14 September 2012


Prostate cancer, the most common type of cancer in the US killing more than 30000 a year, is caused by a slow-growing malignant tumour in the prostate gland. In most cases the tumour will remain dormant even until the death of the patient, usually elderly men, but should it develop untreated, it can spread to other organs through blood and lymph. Over 75% of the patients live for at least 15 more years after the initial diagnosis. During the later stage, patients typically experience disruptions and difficulties in urination .Treatments of the cancer depend on the stage, patient’s age, and many other factors. Methods include surgical removal, radiation, chemotherapy, hormonal manipulation or a combination of these.

The most common way to detect prostate cancer is by prostate antigen specific (PSA) screening. The tumour interferes with prostate cells, causing the release of PSA which is detected through blood tests. Yet the use of this test has always been controversial as it has an equally significant amount of benefits and harms. The benefit is self-explanatory, while harms include causing blood clotting, which have led to heart attacks, and impotence or incontinence. Also, the level of PSA is cofounded by other factors such as age and heredity. PSA test cannot tell whether the tumour is benign and is inaccurate. Hence new, improved types of PSA tests set specific ranges for different age groups as well as the percentage of free (as opposed to bound) PSA circulating the blood. People suffering from prostate cancer are likely to have lesser free PSA.

Another novel method to detect prostate cancer exploits metabolites as potential biomarkers. They give us an understanding of biological reactions which is important in developing diagnostic and therapeutic treatment for specific diseases. Measuring metabolite concentrations in urine has potential usage in detecting noninvasive diseases, because changes in metabolite concentration hints to affected signaling and control processes. Analyzing metabolite levels can characterize cancer progression. Previously, detecting specific metabolites is difficult due to inaccurate techniques. It has now been made easier and more accurate by oxidizing the metabolite enzymatically to produce formaldehyde. The changes the pH can be visualized using fluorescein in acetone. Sarcosine was used since it may be usable to diagnose prostate cancer. It was oxidized with sarcosine oxidase to formaldehyde then to formic acid; fluorescein can visualize this chain. This method has a correlation coefficient of 0.9961 and can detect up to 20nmolL-1. Applying this method to urine samples hints that it is viable, economical and lacks interferences.  Analyzing metabolite levels can characterize cancer progression.

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